We use three distinct types of energy to perform the tasks we need and want to do in our lives. To be a high-energy, enthusiastic person, one who has the energy to achieve the things you want to accomplish, learn to build up your reserves in each of the three areas.
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Achievement Requires Energy
Everything you do and everything you have is the result of actions you have taken. Action requires energy. So what you do and what you have comes from the energy you have expended to do and have these things.
Many of us see ourselves as using up energy during the day, then resting and regaining our energy as we sleep. It’s as if we ran on rechargeable batteries that have to be charged at the end of each day. However, there’s more to it than that.
The Three Types Of Energy
We use three distinct types of energy to perform the tasks we need and want to do in our lives. If you want to be a high-energy, enthusiastic person, one who has the energy to achieve the things you want to accomplish, you can learn to build up your reserves in each of the three areas.

At the lowest level is physical energy. This is the energy you use for moving about, digesting food and performing other bodily functions, and doing physical labor. Emotional energy is the second level of energy. This is the energy that sparks our enthusiasm and excitement. It is also the energy we nibble away at with worry and frustration. Almost everything we say and do carries some emotional impact, either positive or negative, and has an energy cost. The highest level of energy is mental energy. This is the energy we use in creativity, planning, problem-solving, and decision-making. Most mental activity is high leverage – a little effort can pay big dividends.
Don’t Waste It
Brian Tracy, a leading writer, speaker, and teacher in the field of personal development describes the three forms of energy this way. Ten units of physical energy are refined to make one unit of emotional energy. Ten units of emotional energy are refined to create one unit of mental energy.
When we burn up our energy at the physical and emotional levels, it leaves little for the important tasks that require mental energy . . . planning, creating, decision-making. But frequently we squander our energy. We don’t take care of our physical needs and so are inefficient users of physical energy. We let our emotions have free reign and burn up great chunks of emotional energy in angry outbursts or seething and stewing in frustrations.
By being aware of the 3 types of energy and taking some small, simple steps to more efficiently use and conserve energy at the first two levels, you can have more energy for the important activities that require mental energy — activities that allow you to create the life you want to live.
Rate yourself in each of the statements below from 1 (Never) to 5 (Always). Pick one of the statements where you scored 3 or less. Name three things you can do to increase it to a 4 or 5. Then do the three things. Keep playing until you can answer 5 for each item.

Physical Energy
___ I exercise at least 30 minutes per day at least 4 days a week.
___ I eat for health and energy.
___ I get adequate sleep, 7 – 9 hours depending on my needs.
___ I avoid caffeine and refined sugar.
___ My home and work environments are neat and uncluttered.
Emotional Energy
___ I express emotions honestly and appropriately; I don’t let issues build up.
___ I discuss problems and issues with the people who can address them.
___ I discuss issues as soon as they arise; I don’t ignore or step over anything.
___ I get my needs met.
___ I set boundaries for myself. I respect others’ boundaries and I expect the same.
Mental Energy
___ I practice daily prayer or meditation.
___ I frequently and periodically engage in a hobby or some other pursuit that is completely different from my routine daily activities.
___ I use an external method for tracking my tasks and projects rather than trying to keep a mental to-do list.
___ I never worry about things (and people) over which I have no control.
___ I embrace the Serenity Prayer. (God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.)
Get On An Upward Spiral
These are simple steps but not necessarily easy. However, working on any of these areas will increase your energy levels in all three areas. Getting a little bit better improves your energy and gives you the ability to try a little bit more. Soon, you’re on an upward spiral of increased energy levels. And that’s embracing your Excelerated Life™!
Excelerated Fundamentals™ — perfecting basic self-care practices — is one step in creating your Excelerated Life™, a life of flourishing and well-being, and a life of meaning, purpose, and service.
Read more about the Excelerated Life™.
Tracy, Brian. “Increase Your Three Types Of Energy.” Brian Tracy International. Brian Tracy International,. Web. April 7, 2022.