We humans are animals, too. Survival is bred in us. Before we can become our best selves, we must get our basic physical and psychological needs taken care of. Not just enough but more than enough to keep our brains from going back and dwelling on a lack of resources in any area. Having a reserve calms that fear and allows us to focus on higher goals.
Title Photo by Anna Tukhfatullina Food Photographer/Stylist from Pexels

Four Friends Who Need A Reserve
Deborah had a problem. Her old car had broken down – again! – and she didn’t have enough money to have it repaired. In fact, she still owed her mechanic from the last time he fixed it. Now, she’d have to bum rides from co-workers till she could scrape together enough for the repairs.
Dan was in a tight spot. He had overextended himself – again! He had taken on a big project at work in addition to his regular duties. At church, Dan had volunteered to help with a two-week-long mission project. And, he had promised his daughter that he would help coach her soccer team. Dan would need 30 hours per day to get everything done.
Dolly was feeling suffocated. She had decided to update her wardrobe – again! When she came home from her shopping, with bags and bags of new clothing, she realized she had nowhere to hang her new attire. Her own closet was stuffed to the brim. She had already relegated her husband’s clothes to the guest room closet and now she needed that space, too. She began to think seriously about turning the entire guest room into a big closet.
David just didn’t feel right – again! He wasn’t exactly sick, not at least anything specific he could put his finger on. He just felt blah, lethargic, no energy. David knew he could be eating a more healthful diet, but it seemed like too big a hassle to shop for and prepare fresh foods; much easier to grab a fast food meal. And he had thought about getting up 30 minutes early to get in a walk, but thinking about it was as far as he’d got.
Why You Need A Reserve
Our four friends appear to have four different issues that they are dealing with. But underneath the diverse symptoms, there is a basic root cause. They need a reserve.
Whether it be a reserve of money, time, space, energy, or in any other area, you and I are like Deborah, Dan, Dolly, and David. We need a reserve to be at our best.
The Weakest Link
As the old saying goes, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. In the same way, you and I are only as prepared as our area of least reserve. [1]
Remember Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Before we can work on self-actualization, we must get our basic physical and psychological needs taken care of. And not just enough but more than enough. More than enough to keep our brains from going back and dwelling on any lack of resources in any area.
After all, we humans are animals, too. Survival is bred in us. [1] Having a reserve calms that fear of not having enough and allows us to focus on higher goals.
Starting On The Path
If you are just starting along the path to having more than enough, you may be surprised, shocked even, to find how little of a reserve you have. [1] You may be financially stable but have no free time. Or you may have plenty of time but have a house and garage stuffed to overflowing. You may have lots of space but no close, nourishing relationships. Having a reserve means having more than enough in every area of your life.
This may seem discouraging at first, especially if you’ve never thought about a reserve before. [1] But you don’t have to amass large quantities everywhere at the same time. Pick one area to start and focus on what a reserve in that area will look like. Then take the first small step toward building that reserve. As the saying goes: “Yard by yard it’s hard but inch by inch it’s a cinch.” Just take it one step at a time.
Progressing Along The Path
Here, from Coachville, are markers to check how you are progressing along the path to having a reserve. [1]
- You’ll become a saver, not a spender.
- You will have time, energy, money, and other resources to use and invest; you won’t need to wait or hoard.
- You’ll have money in the bank and no need to use it.
- You will become more generous because you can be.
- You’ll understand the connection between reserves (a quantity of something) and a reserve (the principle of having more than enough).
Obstacles On The Path
As you begin your journey on the path to having enough, watch for these potholes that could impede your progress.
Acquiring more is the starting point, the beginning of the process, but acquisition alone doesn’t give you a reserve. Having quantities of various resources gives you reserves (plural). Having a reserve (singular) means understanding the principle of why you need to have enough.
Remember, you need a reserve in every part of your life. As we discussed earlier, some of us have ample financial resources but have no free time. Or we may have plenty of time but no space or room for all our possessions. For the principle to work, you must have more than enough in every area.
How To Move Forward
Here’s a way to start building your reserve. Examine the different areas of life per the Super Reserves worksheet: home, car, financial, safety, energy and vitality, opportunity, space and time, calamity protection, supplies and equipment, and relationships. Think about what constitutes a reserve in each area. Select the one area where you are most in need of a reserve. Then, use these practices [2] to help you begin building a reserve in that area. Once you’ve finished, select the next area and do the same thing. Continue until you have the start of a reserve in each area.
Here are practices [2] to help you get started.
- Identify and remove the thing that is draining a reserve that you already have.
- Become an investor instead of a spender.
- Focus on creating your life, not having a lifestyle.
- Get more space, then get even more space.
- Take the steps necessary to get your personal needs met.
- Handle the money.
The Path To Having Enough
While accumulating reserves is part of the process of building a reserve, it’s how you grow and change in the process that makes a difference. Once you have a reserve – more than enough in every area – you can move up the hierarchy of needs. Now your physical and psychological needs are satisfied and you can focus on becoming your best self, your actualized self. That is embracing your Excelerated Life™!
Excelerated Reserves™ — moving from scarcity to abundance — is one step in creating your Excelerated Life™, a life of flourishing and well-being, and a life of meaning, purpose, and service.
Read more about the Excelerated Life™.
[1] Leonard, Thomas. “Build a Super Reserve in Every Area.” CoachVille.com. CoachVille LLC,. Web. September 30, 2021.
[2] Leonard, Thomas. “Top 10 List.” CoachVille.com. CoachVille LLC,. Web. September 30, 2021.