Values Matter

Are you letting your values matter? Are you consistently honoring your core beliefs and living in alignment with the things that matter most? You are not living your values for yourself only. There is a ripple effect that moves and expands your actions such that they can have a far-reaching impact, more than you may ever know. That’s a way you make our world a better place.

Title Photo by Allan Mas

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Where to Start Decluttering

Where to start decluttering? Do you have years of possessions that no longer “spark joy” (if they ever did) and that are holding you back from the life you want to live? Or are most of your work and living spaces relatively clutter-free but your electronic files are a mess? Perhaps you’re overwhelmed and don’t even know where to start. Or how. Or maybe you’re at that stage in your life where you are seriously thinking about downsizing. Having a clutter-free life is a journey, not a destination. And the time to begin is now.

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Give Back More Than You Take

We could positively transform our world through the collective power of giving back. But making an Excelerated Contribution™ need not be world-changing. Do one small thing to make a difference to your little part of the world – to your community, even to one person. You can achieve your own goals and be of more Service to the world by giving back more than you take.

Title Photo by RDNE Stock project

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How to Find Happiness Through Friendship

Friendships are an essential part of the human experience. They provide us with joy, support, companionship, and a sense of belonging. To find happiness through friendship, it is important to invest time and effort in building relationships with people who share your values and who are committed to living a virtuous life.

Title Photo by cottonbro studio

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