We could positively transform our world through the collective power of giving back. But making an Excelerated Contribution™ need not be world-changing. Do one small thing to make a difference to your little part of the world – to your community, even to one person. You can achieve your own goals and be of more Service to the world by giving back more than you take.
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Making an Excelerated Contribution™
“It is every man’s [and woman’s] obligation to put back into the world at least the equivalent of what he [or she] takes out of it.” ~ Albert Einstein
Excelerated Contribution™ — achieving meaningful objectives — is one step in creating your Excelerated Life™. While achieving meaningful objectives is the expressed outcome, contribution tells us we can achieve our objective by giving of ourselves – our time, energy, talent, skills, and money. Generally speaking, we can achieve our BIG (Bold-Important-Gratifying) goals by giving of ourselves in Service to the world.
I don’t remember where I first heard the words “give back more than you take”, but they have become a guiding factor in my life. It has become the objective in my attempts to make an Excelerated Contribution™. As you read this article, my hope is that you’ll see ways you can give back and be of more Service.
What Does It Mean to “Give Back More Than You Take”?
In practical terms, giving back more than you take means actively contributing to the well-being of others and the community at large in a manner that surpasses what you receive from them. It involves making a conscious effort to add value, support, and kindness to the lives of those around you and to the broader society. Giving back takes many different forms. It involves giving your time, energy, love, money, talents, and/or skills. Here are some practical ways to embody this concept.
Acts of Kindness: Engage in small, daily acts of kindness, such as helping a neighbor, volunteering at a local charity, or supporting a friend in need. (For more examples, see this old newsletter = “Do a Good Turn Daily“.) These simple gestures can have a profound positive impact on someone’s day and create a culture of generosity.
Volunteering: Offer your time, skills, and expertise to causes that matter to you. Whether it’s tutoring children, serving meals at a homeless shelter, or participating in environmental clean-up efforts, volunteering allows you to give back to the community in a hands-on and meaningful way.
Philanthropy: Contribute financially to charitable organizations or causes that align with your values and address societal challenges. Even small donations can accumulate to make a significant difference when combined with others’ contributions.
Mentorship: Share your knowledge and experiences with others by becoming a mentor. Guiding someone on their personal or professional journey can be immensely rewarding and help them grow and succeed.
Environmental Consciousness: Give back to the planet by adopting eco-friendly practices, such as recycling, reducing waste, and supporting conservation efforts. Taking care of the environment benefits both current and future generations.
Support Local Businesses: Choose to patronize local businesses and support local artisans, farmers, and entrepreneurs. By doing so, you contribute to the growth and sustainability of your community’s economy.
Random Acts of Generosity: Surprise someone with a random act of generosity, such as paying for a stranger’s coffee, leaving positive notes in public places, or offering your seat to someone in need. These spontaneous acts can brighten someone’s day and create a chain reaction of kindness.
Remember, giving back more than you take doesn’t necessarily mean giving up everything you have. It’s about being intentional and generous within your means and capabilities. These practical acts of giving will create a positive ripple effect, inspiring others to do the same and fostering a compassionate and caring community.
Giving Back as a Path to Success
With Excelerated Contribution™, the focus is two-fold: making meaningful contributions by giving back while also achieving our own goals and ambitions. This relationship between contribution and personal growth is deeply interconnected. Giving back to others can contribute significantly to our personal growth and development. Here are some ways that happens.
To give back requires us to understand the needs and challenges of others. Through this process, we develop empathy and compassion, essential qualities for personal growth and for building meaningful relationships.
Sometimes, making a contribution involves interacting with diverse individuals and situations, requiring emotional intelligence to navigate these interactions. It helps us to develop our emotional intelligence which leads to better communication, empathy, and emotional regulation skills.
Facing challenges and helping others navigate their struggles build resilience. Dealing with difficulties in the context of giving back allows us to develop coping strategies and bounce back from setbacks.
Engaging with different communities and understanding their needs broadens our perspective and encourages openness to new ideas and experiences, which contributes to personal growth.
The act of giving back leads to improved problem-solving skills. It sometimes requires that we address complex social issues. In the process of finding solutions and making a positive impact, we develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Making meaningful contributions reinforces our values. Aligning our actions with personal values and beliefs is an important aspect of giving back. This reinforcement of values contributes to a stronger sense of identity and purpose, promoting personal growth.
Giving back cultivates a sense of gratitude for what we have and for what others have done for us. And as we know, gratitude is linked to increased happiness and well-being, contributing to personal growth.
Overall, achieving our objectives by giving back provides a unique pathway for personal growth and allows us to connect with our own humanity and the world around us. It can lead to the development of important qualities and skills that enrich our lives as we work to make a positive impact on others and on our society as a whole.
Obstacles to Giving Back
While making meaningful contributions in the lives of others brings many opportunities for growth and personal improvement, giving back is not always easy. We often run into roadblocks in the form of time constraints, financial restraints, or feelings of overwhelm. Sometimes, a lack of awareness makes us unsure of how we can contribute, or fear of being judged by others holds us back by worrying we aren’t doing enough.
Overcoming these and other obstacles to giving back requires a combination of self-reflection, planning, and determination. It may help to team up with friends, family, or colleagues to embark on charitable initiatives together. Websites and social media are also good platforms to learn about volunteering opportunities and to spread awareness.
Remember that giving back doesn’t have to be grand or extravagant. Even the smallest acts of kindness can have a meaningful impact on someone’s life. Start with what you can manage – do what you can do. As you experience the joy of giving, you may find that obstacles become easier to overcome, and your commitment to making a difference grows stronger.
Contribution and Achievement
Making an Excelerated Contribution™ can lead to personal achievement in several ways.
- When you make a positive impact on others, it brings a deep sense of fulfillment and purpose.
- Knowing that your actions have positively affected others fosters a greater sense of self-worth and accomplishment.
- Engaging in charitable activities often involves connecting with like-minded individuals and organizations, expanding your network.
- Giving back often requires taking initiative and leading projects that can help you develop leadership skills.
- Working with diverse communities and issues expands your perspective and fosters personal growth through continuous learning and self-improvement.
- Giving back empowers you to take action and to create change in areas that matter to you.
- The act of giving can be deeply rewarding in itself and inspire you to achieve more and continue to give back to create even more positive change.
Giving back not only benefits other individuals and our community but it also brings personal rewards and achievements. It can positively impact your sense of self, open doors to new opportunities, and empower you to make a lasting difference in the world.
Here are seven actions you can take to practice Excelerated Contribution™. Why not pick one and start today?
- Practice gratitude. Cultivate the habit of gratitude by naming and appreciating the blessings in your life.
- Volunteer. Dedicate your time and skills to local charities, shelters, schools, or community centers. Volunteering allows you to directly engage with those in need and make a hands-on impact.
- Donate. Contribute financially to causes that align with your values.
- Random acts of kindness. Perform small, unexpected acts of kindness, such as paying for a stranger’s meal, leaving positive notes, or helping someone carry their groceries.
- Be a mentor. Offer guidance and mentorship to someone who could benefit from your knowledge and experiences.
- Be environmentally responsible. Make eco-friendly choices in your daily life, such as reducing waste, conserving energy, and supporting sustainable practices. Taking care of the environment is a significant way to give back to the planet.
- Spread awareness. Help raise awareness about social issues that are important to you by educating others, starting conversations, and encouraging action for positive change.
These actions are just a starting point, and each one has the potential to make a meaningful difference in someone’s life or in the community. Choose the ones that resonate with you the most and begin your journey of giving back.
The Collective Power of Giving Back
“If there is to be peace in the world, the nations must live in peace. If there is to be peace among nations, the cities must not rise up against each other. If there is to be peace in the cities, neighbors must understand each other. If there is to be peace among neighbors, there must be harmony in the home. If there is to be peace in the home, we must each find our own heart.” ~ Lao Tsu
We can positively transform our world through the collective power of giving back. As individuals embrace acts of kindness and generosity, a ripple effect of compassion and empathy would spread across communities and nations. Volunteerism and philanthropy would address pressing social issues, ensuring access to education, healthcare, and basic necessities for those in need. Collaborative efforts would foster environmental sustainability and tackle global challenges, promoting a healthier planet for future generations. The power of giving back would not only create a more equitable and caring society but also inspire hope, unity, and a brighter future for all. “If there is to be peace in the world . . . we must each find our own heart.”
Making an Excelerated Contribution™ need not be world-changing. You and I can start by “brightening the corner where we are“. Do one small thing to make a difference to your little part of the world – to your community, even to one person within your purview. You can achieve your own goals and be of more Service to the world by giving back more than you take. And that is embracing your Excelerated Life™!
In what areas of your life do you give back more than you take?
What areas could stand a little improvement in this regard?
Share your comments by leaving a post below.
Excelerated Contribution™ — achieving meaningful objectives — is one step in creating your Excelerated Life™, a life of flourishing and well-being, and a life of meaning, purpose, and service.
Read more about the Excelerated Life™.
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