Flourish with Purpose: Pairing Accomplishment and Contribution

Accomplishments in reaching your BIG goals are an important factor in creating a life of flourishing and well-being. These accomplishments can be solely for our benefit or we can use our accomplishments to benefit others as well. Then we are creating a life of flourishing while also giving meaning and purpose to our lives and giving us a path to be of Service to God and to the world. These two sides of achievement combine to enable us to make Excelerated Contributions™ and to make our world a better place.

Title Photo by Anna Tarazevich

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Give Back More Than You Take

We could positively transform our world through the collective power of giving back. But making an Excelerated Contribution™ need not be world-changing. Do one small thing to make a difference to your little part of the world – to your community, even to one person. You can achieve your own goals and be of more Service to the world by giving back more than you take.

Title Photo by RDNE Stock project

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Don’t Delay — Do It Now!

The “Procrastination Equation” [Steel] shows us that motivation is the product of expectancy – expecting a good outcome and value – doing a task that is important to us divided by the product of impulsiveness – flitting from task to task and delay – putting off the task. The more you can increase the first two and decrease the second two, the higher your motivation.

Title Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

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