The Importance of Focus and Alignment for Successful Living

You and I run the risk of wasting days, weeks, even years, by focusing on unimportant things and by not bringing our time, energy, and attention into alignment with our BIG goals. We must take specific, intentional action to focus on and align our efforts with our desired outcomes. By aligning your actions with your true desires and practicing with intention and presence, you can make significant progress toward achieving your goals and mastering new skills.

Title Photo by Pixabay

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Give Back More Than You Take

We could positively transform our world through the collective power of giving back. But making an Excelerated Contribution™ need not be world-changing. Do one small thing to make a difference to your little part of the world – to your community, even to one person. You can achieve your own goals and be of more Service to the world by giving back more than you take.

Title Photo by RDNE Stock project

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