Don’t Focus On What You Don’t Want

Don’t focus on what you don’t want. Choose the thoughts (and actions) that serve you best.

“The components of anxiety, stress, fear, and anger do not exist independently of you in the world. They simply do not exist in the physical world, even though we talk about them as if they do.” ~ Wayne Dyer

A friend and colleague recently loaned me a tape program, “Excuses Begone!” by Dr. Wayne Dyer. There was one concept from Dr. Dyer’s presentation that really sparked my imagination.

Will it be easy or hard?

Consider a goal or a dream or a desire you have. What would you have to do to achieve your goal, dream, or desire? Would it be difficult? Can you be 100% sure? Well, I think you’ll agree that there are very few things you can be 100% sure of. SO it might be difficult but it might not be. Will it be easy? Are you 100% sure? Again, there are very few things you can be 100% sure of, so it might be easy but it might not.

Now, here are two different thoughts, neither one of which you can say, with 100% certainty, is true. Either one may be true, but it may not. Which of the two thoughts serves you better? “It’s going to be easy”, right? You have a choice. Neither thought is 100% true, but either thought COULD be true. If either thought could be true, why not choose the one that best serves you?

Will it take a long time or a short time?

Consider your goal, dream, or desire again. Will it take a long time to achieve? Can you be 100% sure? No. It may take a long time, but it may not. Will it take a short time to achieve? Can you be 100% sure? Again, no. It may take a short time, but it may not.

Two different thoughts, neither one of which you can say, with 100% certainty, is true. Either one may be true, but it may not. Which of the two thoughts serves you better? “It’s going to take a short time”, right? You have a choice. Neither thought is 100% true, but either thought COULD be true. If either thought could be true, why not choose the one that best serves you?

Is it too big?

Once again, think about your goal, dream, or desire. Is it too big? Are you 100% sure? By now, you know the answer. It may be too big, but it may not be. Is it small? Are you 100% sure? It may be small, but it may not be.

Two different thoughts, neither one of which you can say, with 100% certainty, is true. Either one may be true, but it may not. Which of the two thoughts serves you better? “It’s small”, right? You have a choice. Neither thought is 100% true, but either thought COULD be true. If either thought could be true, why not choose the one that best serves you?

What are you focusing on?

What other beliefs do you have about your goal, your dream, or your desire? Look at each one. Is it true? Can you be 100% sure? Look at the opposite belief. Is it true? Can you be 100% sure? Either thought COULD be true. Why not choose to hold the thought that best serves you?

Don’t focus on what you DON’T want. Don’t focus on what you DON’T have. Don’t focus on problems. Choose to hold the thoughts that will produce the results you want. That is living the Excelerated life!

Excelerated focus — aligning your actions with your true desires — is one step in creating your Excelerated life, a life of well-being, meaning, and purpose.

Excelerated Focus

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