Don’t Delay — Do It Now!

The “Procrastination Equation” [Steel] shows us that motivation is the product of expectancy – expecting a good outcome and value – doing a task that is important to us divided by the product of impulsiveness – flitting from task to task and delay – putting off the task. The more you can increase the first two and decrease the second two, the higher your motivation.

Title Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

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Nurturing Healthy Relationships

Just as we have financial accounts into which we deposit and withdraw money, we have “emotional bank accounts” with loved ones, friends, and colleagues. We make deposits and withdrawals into these accounts as well. If our balance in these accounts is high, we can make the occasional withdrawal without any harmful consequences. But too few deposits and too many withdrawals can leave us with an overdrawn account. Nurturing healthy relationships includes making frequent deposits into the emotional bank account, especially of those closest to us.

Title Photo by alleksana from Pexels

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Practices To Help You Flourish

Do you feel stuck, living a middling life, getting by OK but not thriving? Or are you excited to get up in the morning, looking forward to a day of meaningful and enjoyable activity? You have a choice. Will you choose the downward spiral that leads to languishing and worse? Or will you choose to take the upward path, an upward spiral to help you flourish?

Title Photo by Nikolett Emmert from Pexels

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Your Purpose X 3

When you contribute your personal Service using your unique combination of talents, skills, strengths, interests, and abilities, whether as vocation or avocation, you fulfill your unique purpose. You are also fulfilling the Universal purpose by giving your you-ness in Service to the world. And when you strive to do this day by day by day, showing up as the best version of you, that is fulfilling your ultimate purpose.

Title Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

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