Your Purpose X 3

When you contribute your personal Service using your unique combination of talents, skills, strengths, interests, and abilities, whether as vocation or avocation, you fulfill your unique purpose. You are also fulfilling the Universal purpose by giving your you-ness in Service to the world. And when you strive to do this day by day by day, showing up as the best version of you, that is fulfilling your ultimate purpose.

Title Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

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Waypower Brings Excelerated Movement

Hope has three components: A goal to make your future better than the present, the belief that you have the power to make it so, and multiple pathways to achieve that brighter future. “Waypower thinking” enhances your belief in your ability to generate multiple routes to reach your goal. This is a key to Excelerated Movement™.

Title Photo by Zukiman Mohamad from Pexels

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What’s Important Now?

Excelerated Productivity™ involves improving efficiency AND effectiveness, not only getting more things done but getting more of the important things done. It requires the realization and acceptance that we can’t do everything – even the important stuff – so we must concentrate and focus on the highest priority tasks.

Title Photo by Direct Media on StockSnap

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