Where to Start Decluttering

Where to start decluttering? Do you have years of possessions that no longer “spark joy” (if they ever did) and that are holding you back from the life you want to live? Or are most of your work and living spaces relatively clutter-free but your electronic files are a mess? Perhaps you’re overwhelmed and don’t even know where to start. Or how. Or maybe you’re at that stage in your life where you are seriously thinking about downsizing. Having a clutter-free life is a journey, not a destination. And the time to begin is now.

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Live Simply

If you spend most of your day chasing after external rewards, more things, a bigger “lifestyle”, your life becomes more complicated but not “better”. When you live more simply, you spend less time and money buying things and less time and energy taking care of things you don’t really want or need. You experience a feeling of well-being. And you have more energy, more time, and more money.

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