Continue reading “Moving From Action to Results”In the pursuit of our BIG goals, we often find ourselves at a crossroads: Should we prioritize action or results? While both are undeniably important, the distinction between them can profoundly impact our journey towards success.
Take the Right Action at the Right Time
Continue reading “Take the Right Action at the Right Time”Action is required to reach your BIG goals and in every area of your Excelerated Life™. Not just any action will do, however. Wrong action or the wrong time can lead to misunderstandings, inconvenience, even disaster. To have the maximum effectiveness, choose the right action at the right time.
The Purpose+Action Partnership
Continue reading “The Purpose+Action Partnership”There is a connection between our purpose and our actions. If we are to achieve our purpose, we must not only take action but we must take right action. Otherwise we are apt to end up in the wrong place and the wrong time.
Move Toward Your Goal
There’s a difference between having a goal and reaching a goal and that difference is movement. If you aren’t taking actual steps to reach your goal, it’s still in the dream stage. You don’t have to figure everything out in the beginning. That isn’t always possible anyway. But find a way to begin – to go from having a goal to moving toward your goal.
Title Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich
Continue reading “Move Toward Your Goal”Take Imperfect Action
It is better to do the wrong thing than to do nothing. Any action you take leads you closer to your goal. So don’t wait till you can do it perfectly. Take imperfect action, learn, do it again.
Title Photo by Ryan McGuire
Continue reading “Take Imperfect Action”Waypower Brings Excelerated Movement
Hope has three components: A goal to make your future better than the present, the belief that you have the power to make it so, and multiple pathways to achieve that brighter future. “Waypower thinking” enhances your belief in your ability to generate multiple routes to reach your goal. This is a key to Excelerated Movement™.
Title Photo by Zukiman Mohamad from Pexels
Continue reading “Waypower Brings Excelerated Movement”Turn Good Intentions Into Action
Continue reading “Turn Good Intentions Into Action”Good intentions are necessary to point you in the right direction. But good intentions by themselves get you nowhere. You’re at the starting line — what are you going to do now? Action triumphs over good intentions every time.
Ben Franklin On The Excelerated Life
Continue reading “Ben Franklin On The Excelerated Life”“Dost thou love life?” Then, be sure you are living your Excelerated Life™.
Excelerated Movement
Continue reading “Excelerated Movement”Action requires movement. Movement is necessary but not sufficient for action. There can be movement without accomplishing a specific action, but there is no action without movement.
Take Action On Your Goals
Two related principles of the Excelerated Life™ deal with setting and achieving BIG (Bold, Important, Gratifying) goals. The two principles are Goals and Goal Setting and Action. Goal setting is an important step but by itself is not enough. Once you have your BIG goal in mind, you must start to take the actions that enable you to achieve it.
The Missing Ingredient
I have told the story before about my client, “Mary”, who came back for more coaching after she had set some good, workable goals but had failed to make progress on any of them. I told Mary at the time that a goal “was a necessary step toward creating her best life, but it is only a step . . . a beginning step at that. She needed to develop strategies – a detailed plan – to help her progress toward achieving her goals.”
Continue reading “Take Action On Your Goals”