Continue reading “Why You Need a Strong Foundation of Values”The Excelerated Life™ is about making proactive choices every day that bring you closer to your authentic self. Knowing and acting from your values means you are living an authentic life. Defining your Valid Values and choosing actions based on them and not based on how you feel helps you start with a strong foundation of values.
Values and Principles
Understanding the relationship between values and principles is essential for living a purposeful and fulfilling life. By aligning our actions with our values and choosing principles that reflect what is important to us, we can navigate life’s challenges with clarity, integrity, and resilience.
Title Photo by RDNE Stock project
Continue reading “Values and Principles”Overcoming Life’s Petty Annoyances
Continue reading “Overcoming Life’s Petty Annoyances”Don’t let your tolerations become “holes in your personal success cup.” Eliminate your petty annoyances and stop the drain on your time, energy, and other resources. Don’t wait for disaster to strike. Handle them while they are small. Do it now.
Learning to Accept
Continue reading “Learning to Accept”Acceptance is not tolerating and acceptance is definitely not approval. Acceptance and forgiveness are linked, in that one requires the other. Acceptance and surrender are similar in some ways, different in others. Acceptance is the first step in taking action against resignation and it is often the first step that leads to understanding. While acceptance may be linked to other concepts, nothing can take its place. Only by identifying and accepting the things you are struggling with can you begin to deal with them in positive, specific ways.
Values Matter
Continue reading “Values Matter”Are you letting your values matter? Are you consistently honoring your core beliefs and living in alignment with the things that matter most? You are not living your values for yourself only. There is a ripple effect that moves and expands your actions such that they can have a far-reaching impact, more than you may ever know. That’s a way you make our world a better place.
Essential Strategies for Navigating Frustrations
Continue reading “Essential Strategies for Navigating Frustrations”Petty annoyances may seem insignificant when experienced individually, but when they accumulate over time, they can become overwhelming. By dealing with annoyances as soon as you can, you prevent many frustrating experiences from developing.
When Acceptance Is Hard
Continue reading “When Acceptance Is Hard”We will always face situations that we find distressing, aggravating, troubling, infuriating, sorrowful, or heartbreaking. Many of these we have no control over. However, we have a choice to accept or to “fight against reality”. When acceptance is hard, try to remember you have a choice. Choose the path of acceptance.
Excelerated Values
When your life is in congruence with your “valid values” — the principles you deem as important and desirable — you feel in harmony and balanced. It’s a good idea to check in from time to time to see that you are living your values, whatever they may be.
Title Photo by Iuliyan Metodiev
Continue reading “Excelerated Values”Excelerated Response
By dealing with the irritations you have been tolerating rather than blocking them out, you close the open loops and plug the energy drains. Now you have energy and attention to begin living a life of excellence.
Title Photo by Andrea Piacquadio
Continue reading “Excelerated Response”Courage to Accept
When faced with a scary or upsetting situation, you need the courage to accept it. When you find the courage to accept frightening or shocking events, you gain the opportunity to turn them into something positive.
Title Photo by Leeloo Thefirst
Continue reading “Courage to Accept”