Steps to Simplify Your Life

Living a complicated, hectic life is tiring and it can be detrimental to our health, relationships, and well-being. Excelerated Simplicity™ helps you to make intentional choices that align with your core values and long-term goals so you can focus on what truly matters. By taking steps to simplify your life, you reduce stress, enhance your well-being, and create a more fulfilling existence.

Title Photo by Pixabay

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Live Simply

If you spend most of your day chasing after external rewards, more things, a bigger “lifestyle”, your life becomes more complicated but not “better”. When you live more simply, you spend less time and money buying things and less time and energy taking care of things you don’t really want or need. You experience a feeling of well-being. And you have more energy, more time, and more money.

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Freedom in Simplicity

Simplicity is a discipline. It requires external action but the initial motivation is internal. Simplicity requires us to choose a course and then take action. It involves cutting out all the noise, the unimportant things, so you have the wherewithal to focus on the important things in life, such as relationships, taking care of yourself, and giving your best in Service to the world.

Title Photo by Paula Schmidt

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Simplify To Remove Unnecessary Complexity

The aim of Excelerated Simplicity™ is to free ourselves from unnecessary complexity. The desired end result is a simpler, not simplistic, life. Not all complexity can be done away with, nor is that desirable. But unnecessary complexity can be simplified and our lives made simpler by having fewer trivial details to deal with.
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7 Principles To Keep Life Simple

Simplifying your life doesn’t have to be complicated but it does require thought. In Keeping Life Simple, Karen Levine shares 7 guiding principles to help us have more time to do the things we love – and to figure out what those things are.

keep life simple

You Can’t Buy Peace Of Mind

It was Saturday morning and Kelly woke up in a foul mood. She was tired of juggling a demanding job, a house that was in constant disarray, and a husband and children that always seemed to need something – forms completed, lunches packed, arguments settled, and on and on.

Although she didn’t really need anything specific, she decided to give herself a break and go shopping; it seemed to be one of the few outlets available to her to make herself feel better. She left her husband in charge of the house and children and headed for the mall.

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