Continue reading “The Quiet Revolution of Simplifying Your Life”In our pursuit of doing more, we’ve created a life that feels more like a race than a journey. The solution isn’t to keep up but to slow down. Simplifying is the quiet revolution we need to reclaim our time, focus, and peace.
Steps to Simplify Your Life
Continue reading “Steps to Simplify Your Life”Living a complicated, hectic life is tiring and it can be detrimental to our health, relationships, and well-being. Excelerated Simplicity™ helps you to make intentional choices that align with your core values and long-term goals so you can focus on what truly matters. By taking steps to simplify your life, you reduce stress, enhance your well-being, and create a more fulfilling existence.
Free to Be You: Finding Freedom Through Simplicity
What is required to live a simple life? Start by being aware of what you require to be at your best and what is unnecessary and perhaps even detrimental to creating your best life. You aren’t simply getting rid of stuff; you are designing the life that is right for you. You can find your own ways to lead a simpler life and create more time, energy, and resources for pursuing the things that matter. You can be free to be you.
Title Photo by Karolina Kaboompics
Continue reading “Free to Be You: Finding Freedom Through Simplicity”Unlocking the Power of Simple Living
Continue reading “Unlocking the Power of Simple Living”Simple living reminds us to focus on what truly matters and find fulfillment in the beauty and the power of simplicity.
Live Simply
Continue reading “Live Simply”If you spend most of your day chasing after external rewards, more things, a bigger “lifestyle”, your life becomes more complicated but not “better”. When you live more simply, you spend less time and money buying things and less time and energy taking care of things you don’t really want or need. You experience a feeling of well-being. And you have more energy, more time, and more money.
A Simple Beautiful Life
Continue reading “A Simple Beautiful Life”You will never have enough time to do everything you want to do or even everything you need to do. Getting busier, trying to do even more, will never work. To live a simple beautiful life, you must choose the two or three roles that are most important to you at this time and let go of the rest.
Freedom in Simplicity
Continue reading “Freedom in Simplicity”Simplicity is a discipline. It requires external action but the initial motivation is internal. Simplicity requires us to choose a course and then take action. It involves cutting out all the noise, the unimportant things, so you have the wherewithal to focus on the important things in life, such as relationships, taking care of yourself, and giving your best in Service to the world.
What Truly Matters?
Continue reading “What Truly Matters?”We don’t have enough time to fit everything we want to do into our finite lives, and the more we try to, the more stressed and frustrated we feel. We must decide what truly matters in order to separate the really important from the merely important things we want to accomplish.
Make A Clean Sweep
Continue reading “Make A Clean Sweep”Sometimes, we must get rid of something old in order to make space for a new thing. We may need to give up an old goal or dream in order to have the energy to pursue a new and better goal and dream. Sometimes, we need to make a clean sweep.
Ben Franklin On The Excelerated Life
Continue reading “Ben Franklin On The Excelerated Life”“Dost thou love life?” Then, be sure you are living your Excelerated Life™.